Sunday, August 5, 2012

Why Pay Full Price??

I LOVE summer time for yard sale season!!

Being Frugal DOES NOT mean having to go without.  On the contrary, sometimes being frugal allows you to enjoy some luxuries that you wouldn’t normally enjoy if you were shopping on your “traditional” budget  or to be able to go on more vacations– it’s just a matter of changing your perspective.

For instance, It is a fun tradition for me to hit the yard sale circuit each Saturday in the summer in search of some bargains.  Normally house hold things or toys for my boys. In the past, I wouldn’t even stop at a yard sale that had clothes.  I would have such a snobby attitude!  “Who buys used clothing at a yard sale?  Who would even try to sell it? That was the old, wasteful, ignorant me. But that all changed for me last year.  I happened  to come across a sale that was selling tons of boy clothes. I looked at some, (kind of) and noticed gap, the children's place etc. all priced at .50 cents to $1.00 each. Then I really started looking through them! I checked each item for stains, rips, etc. and found nothing wrong with them.  In fact, they looked hardly worn at all.  It all changed from that point on. My attitude adjustment has gotten me some incredible bargains and has enabled my boys to wear designer brands and higher quality clothing than they normally would on my usual budget! It leaves me with more money in my pocket in the end.

(all of this was ONLY $3.25, there is a full Gap church outfit I got for .50, a Gap jacket for .50, Old Navy shorts for .25, 2 more jackets .50 each, shorts .50, shirt .25, pants .25)

But, I do have to admit that all the yard sales I go to, I will not spend more than $1.00 on clothes. It is not because I think higher is a bad deal, because it's not. (a couple bucks here and there are better than paying full price) I just know that if I go to a yard sale and they have a boy Gap shirt, jacket or pants for $3-$5 (which happens a lot) I know I can still score when I hit the right yard sales that have prices from .25 cents to $1.00 each. So you just have to have will power and walk away from the ones that are over priced and wait for the typical "yard sale" prices. So I challenge you to go give yard sales a try and you will be surprised what you can find. :)

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