Wednesday, February 29, 2012

6 Tips on Eliminating Stress Without Cost

Reputation of stress as the cause of the loss of happiness, until the cause of the disease, it is well known. Unfortunately not many people are aware of how to manage the inevitable stress of a difficult life.

Everyone needs recreational activities as an outlet to relax the tension. Psychologists assert that even recreation is very important for mental health because of the pressure distribution of severe life need not to cause frustration.

Want to reduce the stress of living with the cheap and without reducing the time? 6 The following tips may be able to release the stress you put on the agenda daily.

1. A. Reading a book 
This is an activity that not only makes us stop for a moment think of a mountain of problems, but also makes us into a new world as being read. Read at night is the recommended activities. The bedroom is a warm, comfortable, and peaceful. Combine with a good book, then you will feel re-focus on yourself.

2. Sitting in the park 
If you are observant, are actually quite a lot of "oasis" smaller all around us. In addition to the complex area of ​​housing, small, green park is now pretty much scattered around the office. Take the time about 5 minutes to sit and enjoy the fresh air and green parks.

3. View images 
A look back photo album of fun events are one of stress release are cheap and effective. Imagine yourself back on the happy event and feel the sensation.

4. Walk or exercise 
Physical activity is a healthy way to relieve stress because it can trigger antistress hormones. Take a few minutes each morning or after lunch.

5. Meditation 
Any activity that can make our concern is to stay calm and focus can be called a meditation. That means the activity can embroider, write, sew, or sit still. Perform 5-10 minutes every day and feel the stress levels down.

6. Take a break 
When emotions are not dammed, divert your attention for a moment focus on something new. For example, look at the window, sipping hot tea, or watching the trees blowing in the wind. Let your imagination free for a moment.

Source :

Cholesterol Lowering Drugs Trigger Diabetes Risk

Cholesterol Lowering Drugs Trigger Diabetes Risk

Food and drug regulatory agency in the United States (FDA) will require the manufacturers of cholesterol-lowering drugs known as statins, to declare on the packaging side effects of an increased risk of diabetes.

The decision was taken after many reports of patients taking statins increase blood sugar. "The FDA is also aware of any studies that show statins associated with an increased risk of diabetes mellitus," the FDA said in a statement issued Tuesday (28/2).

Some cholesterol-lowering drugs statins include Lipitor, Pravachol, Crestor, Zocor, and several other generic drugs.

"We want health care workers and patients get complete information about the risks of statins. But patients also need to be convinced that the drug is beneficial for lowering cholesterol," said Mary Parks, director of FDA's division of metabolism and endocrinology.

Pharmaceutical companies themselves say that the use of statins in combination with good diet and exercise will be effective for lowering cholesterol.

Another revision will be done in the statin drug packaging is the abolition of the recommendation for patients to check liver enzymes. According to the FDA, liver enzymes can be measured before patients start taking statins.

"A serious disturbance in the liver caused by statins is very rare and difficult to predict," the FDA said. Even so the patient should report to your doctor if you experience symptoms of liver disorders, such as abdominal pain, fatigue, loss of appetite, dark urine color, or yellow skin color.

The FDA also said the risk of memory loss and confusion when taking statins, but that risk can be eliminated if the consumption of statins is stopped.


Source :

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

The Scent of Rosemary Oil May Improve Speed and Accuracy During Mental Tasks

Can a whiff of rosemary boost your performance at work or school?
It’s possible. A new study suggests that the pungent and pine-like scent of rosemary oil may improve speed and accuracy when performing certain mental tasks.

Twenty people were asked to perform subtraction exercises and a task to see how quickly they could process new information before and after being exposed to the scent of rosemary in their work stations. Researchers measured participants’ blood levels of 1, 8-cineole, rosemary's main chemical component, after the experiment.

The higher their blood levels of this compound, the better the participants scored on these tasks, the study shows. Speed and accuracy got better, but the oil did not seem to improve alertness. Exactly how rosemary can improve mental ability is not fully understood.

The findings are published in Therapeutic Advances in Psychopharmacology.
Alan Hirsch, MD, is the director of the Smell and Taste Treatment and Research Foundation in Chicago. He says the findings take aromatherapy to a whole new level. “This opens up the doorway for us to explore other odors and how they affect people,” he says.
So, should we place some rosemary-scented potpourri in our work station?
“It is something to think about if you want to improve your learning, as long as you like the smell of rosemary,” Hirsch tells WebMD.

More Research on Rosemary’s Brain-Boosting Effects Needed

Christy C. Tangney, PhD, says more study is needed to see how, or even if, rosemary affects how quickly and accurately we perform mental exercises. She is an associate professor in the department of clinical nutrition at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago. “This is an intriguing concept, but very preliminary,” she says.

The findings could be due to chance or something else besides the fragrance. “There is something here. I don’t know that I could conclude that it is the aroma of the rosemary that is associated with improvements though,” Tangney says.

She agrees with Hirsch. If you like the scent of rosemary, there is no reason not to surround yourself with it. “Rosemary has been used as an herb for generations, and there is nothing to say it is potentially harmful, at least in the short term.”

Source :

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Beauty Tip

If you want your perfume to last longer after you spray it on you, make sure you use Lotion.(Non scented of course) Put in on your arms and neck before you spray perfume. It will act like a glue so it takes longer for the smell to wear off. :)

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Nuts Walnuts may prevent breast cancer ..?

Breast cancer is the type of disease most feared and haunt her, but for breast cancer that has not been a good idea to try foods that can inhibit breast cancer, such as walnuts.
Compared with the type of the other nuts, walnuts are very unique. As information, kenarilah is the only one of the most nuts contain alpha-linolenic acid, one type of omega 3 fatty acids that are bioactive components that can inhibit the formation of the type of cancer MDA-MB 231 or breast cancer.

The researchers from Marshall University School of Medicine was trying to figure out what the content contained in walnuts.

Walnuts are not very popular compared to so many other foods are touted as anti-cancer foods such as soybeans, tomatoes and others. Yet studies show that regular consumption of walnuts can lower bad cholesterol (LDL) and increase healthy cholesterol (HDL) in the body.

Not only that, walnuts are also very well known to prevent and slow the progression of breast cancer. Walnuts are very unique compared to other nuts as only kenarilah the only nuts that contain alpha-linolenic acid, one type of omega 3 fatty acids which contain the most widely quoted as saying of Health.
Other sources, namely alpha-linolenic soybeans, flaxseed, fish and some green vegetables, but it implies only a little and there is nothing more than a walnut.

In their study, researchers wanted to determine the effect of walnut consumption on breast cancer development in mice. Components contained in walnuts as phytosterols, polyphenols, carotenoids, melatonin and omega 3 fatty acids are bioactive components that can inhibit the formation of the type of cancer MDA-MB 231 or breast cancer.

To find out its effectiveness, the tumor cells were injected in two groups of rats as a forerunner to breast cancer. One group was fed walnuts and other groups do not. After 10 days, tumor cells found in mice not given the growing walnuts, in contrast to rats that ate the canary experienced a shrinkage of tumor cells.

From there, investigators from the Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology know that walnuts can indeed mengahambat growth of cancer cells, especially breast cancer. Researchers also found levels of eicosapentaenoic (EPA) and docosahexaenoic (DHA) in liver of rats given a canary higher than mice not given a walnut.

EPA and DHA are known to many in the marine fish such as salmon, sardines and others. But it implies the canary would not lose much. In addition to known benefits in preventing cancer growth and mengahmbat, EPA and DHA are also very good for brain development and increase capacity.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Organize Paper, Plastic

I love this organizer. I got it at Walmart for a $1.00. I put everything in it when I don't want dirty dishes. :) Paper Plates, Plastic cups, napkins, forks,spoons knifes and straws. It works perfect!! Also I am still working on getting my hair and make up videos up on here. :)

Friday, February 17, 2012

New Favorite Top Coat

I LOVE this new Fast drying top coat. It gives me complete shine until I take it off and it dry's my polish within seconds. Great for Moms who don't have time to let your nails dry. Make sure to click on the link on the side of my blog, you get it directly from amazon at a great price :)

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


I am working on some hair videos I just need to figure out how to put them on here. So check back soon!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Dinning Room Before and After



For our dinning room I went with more earthy tones. The paint I used was Milk Chocolate from Val-spar Paint on the arch I used Cobblestone  . It is simple but still elegant. I will have some curtains soon I just haven't found the ONE.... The best advice I can give you on having a nice table with kids in the house, buy some plastic at Joanne Fabrics and have it cut to the table size. It's the perfect shield for kids. I am glad we have it, it has saved us on more than one occasion :) They have different thicknesses to choose from. Enjoy!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

The Perfect Car Organizer

I love my Car Organizer. It is so convenient to have everything you need or might need right there, all in one place. Here is a list of things I keep in mine.

*A few diapers with some travel wipes
*Snacks for my kids (granola bars, fruit snacks, suckers)
*Water Bottle
*Chap Stick
*Pens, Highlighter
*Bank Deposit slips, Stamps
*A pair of Sunglasses for everyone in the family
*3 or 4 DVDs to play on our DVD players
*Chargers for cell phone, I pod, etc...
*Finger Nail clippers
*Pain relievers for us and the kids along with some cough drops
*Gum, Mints
*Brush, and comb
*Receipt storage pouch for all my receipts (The bag has pouches that come off with Velcro so its perfect for receipts)
*Immunization records for my Boys
*Daily Planner
*Small notebook
*Mini First aid kit 

I am sure I am missing a couple of things but you get the idea. :) You can get the bag I use at Walmart. I will put a link up soon so you can just buy it online if you want it. Have a great day, and have fun organizing!
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