Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Final Fantasy Agito Trailer

What originally was supposed to be part of the Final Fantasy XIII Fabula Nova Crystallis mythos thing, Square Enix originally unveiled a game that was titled as 'Final Fantasy Agito XIII' that would accompany 'Final Fantasy XIII' and what was then called 'Final Fantasy Versus XIII'; three separate game worlds that originated from a similar mythology.

Those plans were dropped somewhere along the way following Final Fantasy XIII's release and Square Enix having problems with their Crystal Tools Engine. Final Fantasy XIII would go on to receive a sequel 'XIII-2' and another sequel yet to be released 'Lightning Returns Final Fantasy XIII.' The game known as 'Versus XIII' was changed to 'Final Fantasy XV.' And finally what was 'Agito XIII' moved from originally being a mobile game to a full fledged PSP game called 'Type-0.' Now Square Enix has returned to the well with a dedicated mobile/tablet game called 'Final Fantasy Agito' which is a sequel to 'Type-0', which was originally 'Final Fantasy Agito XIII.' So everything has come full circle... or something...

And here's our very first trailer for this title, currently only announced for japan with Type-0 still in localization limbo...

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