Sunday, July 8, 2012

Drawer Organizing

Folding t-shirts in a drawer in horizontal rows instead of vertical ones so you can actually see all of your t-shirts, pants at once. I KNOW. CRAZY.
 Here is the before and after, once I dumped out my kids drawers and tried it out:
Over 30 shirts all in one drawer nice and neat!

It's ideal to have the pattern of the shirt facing up so you can distinguish between them. Here's a handy-dandy folding chart so you can learn how to organize your drawers, too!

1. Lay out your shirt with the print facing up.

2. Fold the shirt in half length-wise, print still facing up.

3. Fold in your sleeves (this takes an extra fold with long-sleeved shirts)

4. Fold the bottom half of the shirt up

5. Fold the top of the shirt down, that simple. Now put it in the drawer with the pictures or text showing on top. You will always know where every pair of clothing is because it’s not stuffed under everything. Pretty cool, huh?

Organized bliss. :)

As you can see I don't fold button up collar shirts this way in my boy’s drawers. They don't handle the fold as well. You will be surprised that the shirts don't get any more wrinkled then folding them the regular way.

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