Saturday, June 30, 2012

Frugal McDonalds Breakfast Bagels for .50 each

I love McDonalds Breakfast bagels with ham. I don't buy them often and only certain McDonalds still carry them as a bagel. Most of them are just on a muffin. If I told you, you can make your very own for .50-.85 cents each instead of $2.99 each wouldn't you want to make them? Consider the fact that I am a HUGE coupon shopper so in reality you can make them FOR FREE but, if you’re not a coupon shopper you can still make them for .50- .85 cents each which will save you lots of money. The best part is you can make a week’s worth in about 10 mins, great right?. I think so. All my husband has to do before work is pull one out of the freezer and microwave in a paper towel for 90 seconds. They will last for about a month in a freezer bag.

Now for the breakdown

Bagels- $1.49 (.49cents -Free with coupon)
Eggs- .67cents (Free with coupon or register rewards)
Ham- 4 packages .50 cents each (free with coupon)
Cheese-.72 cents (Free with coupon or register rewards)

 Heres what I use

I like to lay them all out on the counter and do each step to all of them at the same time.
I put 2 pieces of ham on each one because they are thin.

Layer them all together put in a freezer bag and its that simple, finished!!!
I get the extra-large eggs so it will cover the whole bagel. This one I didn't break the yoke because we ate it fresh. But if you are freezing them make sure you break the yokes.
This time I made 12 of them and I spent $5.87 for all my supplies so that’s .48 cents each :-)

On a side note, not like anyone would go get these at McDonlads every morning but, lets say if you did what it would cost before tax is $932.88 a year but, if you made these at home and had one every day during the week you would only spend  $149.76 a year!! Or $2.88 a week. Pretty awesome savings huh??

Snakes Tattoo Meaning and Ideas

Snakes Tattoo Meaning and Ideas

Snake Tattoo is really a classic. Each person has different reasons for getting Snakes Tattoo. For some people, Snakes Tattoo became a symbol for a particular belief. Let’s check about Snakes Tattoo Meaning and Ideas.

In African, Chinese and Native Americans culture, they believe that Snakes associated with water, and is a source of healing. Because they believe that water as a source of healing, cleansing and purifying.

Similarly, in Greek culture. In Greek mythology, the Snake used as a symbol of health and healing. They know the god Asclepius who is always depicted carrying a Snake on a stick. This God is very well known in the medical world and the symbol of a Snake wrapped around the stick used as a symbol of the medical world. In Roman ideology, the Snake is also used as a protective symbol. This is often seen at the funeral service which aims to deliver custody of the burial site.

Based on several meanings over the symbol, the Snake is also often used in a magical world. Here are some keywords that are frequently used in the symbolic of Snakes Tattoo Meaning and Idea:
Renewing, protection, transition, mystery, defense, magic, infinity, hidden, padded, transformation, fertility, confidential, meaning, healing, stick, god, culture, medicine and much more.

Some 3d Snake Tattoo pictures can be found here:
3D Snakes Tattoo on Neck
3D Snakes Tattoo on Biceps and Triceps
3D Snakes Tattoo on Forearms
3D Snakes Tattoo on Hands
3D Snakes Tattoo on Shoulders
3D Snakes Tattoo on Upper Back
3D Snakes Tattoo on Lower Back
3D Snakes Tattoo on Calves
3D Snakes Tattoo on Foot

Enjoy your searching of Snake Tattoo for your next tattoo idea.

Snakes Tattoo Meaning and Ideas

Snakes Tattoo Meaning and Ideas

Snakes Tattoo Meaning and Ideas

Snakes Tattoo Meaning and Ideas

3D Snakes Tattoo on Neck

Here are most popular and best Tattoos Photo Gallery of 3D Snakes Tattoo on Neck for your inspiration idea.

3D Snakes Tattoo on Neck

3D Snakes Tattoo on Neck

3D Snakes Tattoo on Neck

3D Snakes Tattoo on Neck

3D Snakes Tattoo on Neck

3D Snakes Tattoo on Neck

3D Snakes Tattoo on Neck

3D Snakes Tattoo on Neck

3D Snakes Tattoo on Neck

3D Snakes Tattoo on Neck

3D Snakes Tattoo on Biceps and Triceps

Here are most popular and best Tattoos Photo Gallery of 3D Snakes Tattoo on Biceps and Triceps for your inspiration idea.

3D Snakes Tattoo on Biceps and Triceps

3D Snakes Tattoo on Biceps and Triceps

3D Snakes Tattoo on Biceps and Triceps

3D Snakes Tattoo on Biceps and Triceps

3D Snakes Tattoo on Biceps and Triceps

3D Snakes Tattoo on Biceps and Triceps

3D Snakes Tattoo on Biceps and Triceps

3D Snakes Tattoo on Biceps and Triceps

3D Snakes Tattoo on Biceps and Triceps

3D Snakes Tattoo on Biceps and Triceps

3D Snakes Tattoo on Forearms

Here are most popular and best Tattoos Photo Gallery of 3D Snakes Tattoo on Forearms for your inspiration idea.

3D Snakes Tattoo on Forearms

3D Snakes Tattoo on Forearms

3D Snakes Tattoo on Forearms

3D Snakes Tattoo on Forearms

3D Snakes Tattoo on Forearms

3D Snakes Tattoo on Forearms

3D Snakes Tattoo on Forearms

3D Snakes Tattoo on Forearms

3D Snakes Tattoo on Forearms

3D Snakes Tattoo on Forearms

Friday, June 29, 2012

My Tip on How to Cut a Watermelon

It's that time of year. If you are like me, one of my favorite things to eat in the summer is WATERMELON!! I can eat it every day in the summer. It can always be a pain cutting it. So today I will share with you my favorite secret on how to cut watermelon. It literally takes a couple of mins.
First make sure you have a very sharp serrated knife

Cut the Watermelon in half

Then cut in half again (4th's)

Make cuts going up and down across the whole piece

cut in at an angle the other direction on both sides

It will look like a bunch of squares or a grid

Then filet under all the cuts you just made

This makes all the squares you cut loose

Dump them all in a bowl

Tada freshly cut Watermelon in minutes. Refrigerate it, it always tastes the best when cold. Enjoy :)
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